About us:
The Rotary Club of Burnaby Deer Lake is involved in all of the Rotary’s avenues of service, 
namely: club, vocational, community, youth, and international. As an example we are involved with 
Edmonds Community School and assist in its various programs and fund raising activities. This 
assists immigrant and refugee families. On the international level we participate in the Rotary World 
Help Network, an organization responsible for stuffing and shipping dozens of containers of used 
medical equipment to many needy countries. As Rotarians in the receiving countries manage it, 
we are certain it gets into the right hands. In addition some of our members have been to India and 
Africa to assist with medical camps. We sponsor scholarships for needy, deserving, and community-
service oriented senior secondary school students in Burnaby. Overall our main objective is service –
in the community, in the workplace, and throughout the world. Rotarians build good will and peace, 
provide humanitarian service, and encourage high ethical standards in all vocations. Our motto is: 
“Service Above Self”.
Healthier lives ahead for South Pacific children

Rotary’s Give Every Child a Future program vaccinates 100,000 young people

At convention find breakouts tailored to you

Take away bold ideas about how to improve your club experience, your community, and the world from breakout sessions at the Rotary convention in Singapore.

A labor of love

Supported by a Rotary Programs of Scale award, an initiative in Nigeria seeks to remedy the country’s high instances of maternal death

Heat is on for urban planners

As temperatures rise, cities transform heat islands with tree cover, “cool pavement,” and other adaptations.