Life Cares About Life!

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Life cares about life!

Cleve Backster is best known for pioneering lie detector tests using a polygraph machine. On impulse one morning in his office he decided to find a way to hook up a Dracaena (a cane plant with a long stem) to a polygraph machine and measure the flow of water after watering the plant. This led to other experiments where emotional reactions from plants were recorded by polygraph machines that were initiated with just human thought and human intention.

A number of events were recorded by polygraph machines as Backster continued to 'hook up' nearly every plant in the office. Reactions on the machine recorded the return to work after a vacation of the regular care giver of the plants. The needles in unison swung wildly as this person returned to work.

And then one evening, as Backster boiled water and made himself a cup of tea, he leaned over the sink to pour the excess boiling water down the drain. It was then he noticed all the needles swinging wildly and paused to contemplate why the plants should react to pouring out hot water.

After some pondering and wondering it finally occurred to him that in the drain there is other plant life in the form of bacteria and perhaps algae. It was then that he realized a much bigger sense of awareness in that "Life Cares About Life."

From plant life comes the lesson that all of life is interconnected and what you do consciously, or otherwise, has a great effect in how it impacts the larger environment. From this understanding we can use our intent and awareness to make remarkable changes in the world.

Consider the impact of our thoughts and emotions when they are united by people that have thoughts and beliefs that are alike. For a physical example of amplification consider foot soldier that are required to break step when crossing a bridge. When they march in unison the amplification of their footfalls can bring down the bridge.

Wonder no more if a small group of people can bring about dramatic change if we march in step with thoughts and feelings of goodwill.

You are welcome to sit in for a visit and see if you want to join hands with us to have a greater impact in making the world a better place for all. Just know that we select a few areas of need that we identify with, and perhaps you do too.